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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Web site: HALP!

So. There is a reason for my extended refrain from updates, and it contains good news and bad news. The bad news is: I can't seem to get it up. The FTP client I'm using isn't connecting properly, or I'm not using the correct login, or something, and I've been fiddling with it for weeks to no avail.

The good news?

I've made a website!

Right. Strike that, reverse it. Anyway, I've got the html files set up, it looks bitchin', and I can't get it online. I'm really frustrated and could use someone's help, really, but I don't know anyone offhand who knows web design to any extent. If anyone could help me, or knows someone who's willing to help me, I'd really appreciate it, and I'd do something nice for them. Within my means. They'd probably get a lame little poem or something, to be honest. NOT TO MENTION THE SATISFACTION OF KNOWING THEY'VE HELPED A FELLOW HUMAN BEING.

Honestly, though, I am starting to get desperate. My site looks so beautiful, it really does, and I've worked on it for hours. It would be wonderful to be able to get it online.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I wrote this a while ago. It's about this woman named Angie, and I honestly don't know where I got her from. Her use of language is a little outdated... I think I might have lifted it from Thelma and Louise. I guess I based her on Thelma a little bit; that's kinda what I imagine her sounding like. And she's oddly philosophical for a goofy housewife, too. I guess this can be considered the seed for something bigger. It was supposed to be something bigger. But it isn't, yet.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Neurological constipation!

I've got my computer back, but unfortunately am now, apparently, brain-blocked. Nothing gettin' out. I can only read furiously on random schoolwork-related subjects. Somebody, please, save me from this hell. Gimme a prompt. Gimme a writing assignment. Anything. Otherwise, this blog'll be nothing but updates on the minutiae of my day-to-day life. And what's the point of that? That's what Twitter's for. It'd be, you know, redundant.


"I thought I was a novelist but I'm a blogger." I often forget why I love this comic, and then, I remember.